Often times in the colder months during CES Food Shelf hours neighbors will sit in the pews, even after shopping for their groceries, just to stay warm. One of our neighbors, Tim, would regularly stay for long stretches of time. After a few visits we learned he had he had recently lost his job, which had left him grappling with homelessness. Seeking assistance, he had turned to CES Food Shelf for hope in his time of need.
Despite the challenges he faced, he was determined to turn a corner in his life. He came to CES frequently for food, and resources to help him find a new home.
To show his gratitude, he would always stay to help our Food Shelf staff tidy up saying, “It’s not much, but I want to help in any way I can, since you help me.”
As the weeks passed, Tim’s visits became more infrequent. One day he came back to tell our staff that he had secured housing and was so grateful for all of the assistance provided by CES.
Stories like Tim’s are so common in our community, especially with the rising costs of food and housing. It serves as a reminder that, with compassion and assistance, individuals facing adversity can emerge stronger, ready to rebuild their lives.
Your support of CES and our neighbors makes a difference in our community.